So, I decided to try playing around with roasting (baking) almonds that would suffice as a "sweet" snack. BUT I wanted them to be low-cal.
I tried agave nectar, honey, and pure maple syrup, with combinations of stevia, cinnamon, carob powder, salt, flour, etc.
Here is the result, which I think turned out pretty awesome, and really easy!
What you'll need:
- 1 cup of raw almonds (125 if you want it to be exact)
- 2 tbsp maple syrup or honey
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp salt
The how-to:
- Preheat oven to 300 degrees
- Line a baking sheet or glass 9x13 pan with foil and spray the foil well with nonstick spray (or use the nonstick foil)
- Measure the maple syrup or agave nectar into a large bowl
- Add almonds, tossing well to coat
- Add cinnamon, salt, and truvia, and mix well
- Turn the almonds onto the lined baking sheet, spreading into a single layer
- Bake for 32 minutes, taking time to turn and stir the almonds every 8 minutes
- Remove from oven and remove the foil (and almonds) from the pan to make sure they don't over-roast in the hot pan
- Wait a few minutes (yes, it's hard, but trust me on this one) and they'll be cool and wonderfully crunchy.
- Enjoy!